Reference photos wanted

Do you have photos of your pet that you would like to share? I'd love to see them and use as reference photos to draw/paint from in pencil, pastel watercolour or oils.

Depending on time/workload they will usually be miniature format ACEO 2.5"x3.5" up to A5 size.

Sadly my pet rats have passed on and I'd love some new ratty photos to draw from, also any other pets are welcome! if they are used I will let you know and post it on this blog.

Rabbit art card painting 2.5 x 3.5 inches
Rabbit ACEO

If you'd like to kindly allow me to draw from your photos please email me the picture or post a link in comments. (The original photo is of course your copyright and will only be used as reference for original art work.)
pencil artcards

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